Why buy from the Menu Shoppe?
We're a family company, started by our late patriarch Marvin Doerfler in 1972. Marvin grew up in a multiple-generation family of New York City restaurant supply and menu-printing professionals, and if you've heard of a fancy-schmancy New York City restaurant from the 1930s into the 1990s, chances are diners were ordering from menus produced and printed by a Doerfler.
Our current owners are Marvin's sons, along with a smattering of in-laws and friends. We're a close-knit family, an ohana, where no one gets left behind -- or unscathed for that matter -- and a life-celebrating mishpacha.
But most of all, we believe in friendly service and quality products at the lowest possible prices.
We guarantee the life of our menu covers. On most product pages on our web site you will find our estimate of the use life of our cover before it starts to show signs of wear.
If your cover shows premature wear we will replace it at a pro-rated cost. Burn marks from being held too close to an open flame, shriveling due to covers accidently put through the dish washer, covers left out in the rain, or similar events are not covered, of course. We're generous, but not crazy..
So in a nutshell, we've got:
- Best quality at competitive prices = guaranteed best values for you.
- Awesome family vibes and a true commitment to eating, drinking and selling great menu covers and other products.
- We offer a large selection of styles, colors and sizes.
- Custom sizes available at no extra cost.
- We stand behind our products and will bend over backwards to make it right.