Family Owned Since 1972

How long will my menu covers last?

Our covers are custom made in the United States. They should last as long or longer than any other menu covers being sold on the internet today. The length of time they will actually last will depend on how often they're used and how well you take care of them.

Deluxe Cafe and Semi-Rigid Cafe Menu Covers with vinyl binding and clear inside pockets should last 1 1/2 to 2 years. Click here to find out more about our menu covers and why we can make this claim.

Fine Dining Menu Covers, Binders and Holders, with or without padding, made of washable, heavy duty material with turned and finished edges should last 2 to 5 or more years with regular use. "Value boxes" on our website give you estimated lifespans for each specific material.

Pad N Seal menu covers made of heavy duty vinyl should last about the same length of time, however the clear inside pockets may start to crack after a year, depending on how often you change your paper menu inserts and how heavy the usage to which the menu cover is subjected. This is not recommended as a full service menu cover.

Crystal clear, heat sealed menu covers are perfect for 'special' menus for after hours, at the bar, weekends, etc., where frequent changes make lamination impractical. They are NOT recommended for heavy duty use. You should expect to have some seam tears now and then and have to replace a few of them every four to six months. The extra rigid covers should last twice as long.